
Modals are streamlined, but flexible dialog prompts powered by JavaScript and CSS. They support a number of use cases from user notification to completely custom content and feature a handful of helpful sub-components, sizes, variants, accessibility, and more.

  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-1>Launch demo modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-1" title="BootstrapVue">
    <p class="my-4">Hello from modal!</p>


<b-modal>, by default, has an OK and Cancel buttons in the footer. These buttons can be customized by setting various props on the component. You can customize the size of the buttons, disable buttons, hide the Cancel button (i.e. ok-only), choose a variant (e.g. danger for a red OK button) using the ok-variant and cancel-variant props, and provide custom button content using the ok-title and cancel-title props, or using the named slots modal-ok and modal-cancel.

<b-modal> supports close on ESC (enabled by default), close on backdrop click (enabled by default), and the X close button in the header (enabled by default). These features may be disabled by setting the props no-close-on-esc, no-close-on-backdrop, and hide-header-close respectively.

You can override the modal title via the named slot modal-title, override the header completely via the modal-header slot, and override the footer completely via the modal-footer slot.

Note: when using the modal-footer slot, the default OK and Cancel buttons will not be present. Also, if you use the modal-header slot, the default header X close button will not be present, nor can you use the modal-title slot.

Modals will not render their content in the document until they are shown (lazily rendered). Modals, when visible, are rendered appended to the <body> element. The placement of the <b-modal> component will not affect layout, as it always renders as a placeholder comment node (<!---->). You can revert to the behaviour of older BootstrapVue versions via the use of the static prop.

Toggle modal visibility

There are several methods that you can employ to toggle the visibility of <b-modal>.

Using v-b-modal directive

Other elements can easily show modals using the v-b-modal directive.

  <!-- Using modifiers -->
  <b-button>Show Modal</b-button>

  <!-- Using value -->
  <b-button v-b-modal="'my-modal'">Show Modal</b-button>

  <!-- The modal -->
  <b-modal id="my-modal">Hello From My Modal!</b-modal>

This approach will automatically return focus to the trigger element once the modal closes (similar to default Bootstrap functionality). Other approaches for toggling modal visibility may require additional code to implement this accessibility feature.

See the Accessibility section below for details.

Using this.$ and this.$bvModal.hide() instance methods

When BootstrapVue is installed as a plugin, or the ModalPlugin plugin is used, BootstrapVue will inject a $bvModal object into every Vue instance (components, apps). this.$bvModal exposes several methods, of which two are for showing and hiding modals:

Method Description
this.$ Show the modal with the specified id
this.$bvModal.hide(id) Hide the modal with the specified id

Both methods return immediately after being called.

  <b-button id="show-btn" @click="$'bv-modal-example')">Open Modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="bv-modal-example" hide-footer>
    <template v-slot:modal-title>
      Using <code>$bvModal</code> Methods
    <div class="d-block text-center">
      <h3>Hello From This Modal!</h3>
    <b-button class="mt-3" block @click="$bvModal.hide('bv-modal-example')">Close Me</b-button>

The this.$bvModal object is also used for displaying modal message boxes.

Using show(), hide(), and toggle() component methods

You can access modal using ref attribute and then call the show(), hide() or toggle() methods.

    <b-button id="show-btn" @click="showModal">Open Modal</b-button>
    <b-button id="toggle-btn" @click="toggleModal">Toggle Modal</b-button>

    <b-modal ref="my-modal" hide-footer title="Using Component Methods">
      <div class="d-block text-center">
        <h3>Hello From My Modal!</h3>
      <b-button class="mt-3" variant="outline-danger" block @click="hideModal">Close Me</b-button>
      <b-button class="mt-2" variant="outline-warning" block @click="toggleModal">Toggle Me</b-button>

  export default {
    methods: {
      showModal() {
      hideModal() {
      toggleModal() {
        // We pass the ID of the button that we want to return focus to
        // when the modal has hidden

The hide() method accepts an optional string trigger argument for defining what triggered the modal to close. See section Prevent Closing below for details.

Note: It is recommended to use the this.$ and this.$bvModal.hide() methods (mentioned in the previous section) instead of using $ref methods.

Using v-model property

v-model property is always automatically synced with <b-modal> visible state and you can show/hide using v-model.

    <b-button @click="modalShow = !modalShow">Open Modal</b-button>

    <b-modal v-model="modalShow">Hello From Modal!</b-modal>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        modalShow: false

When using the v-model prop, do not use the visible prop at the same time.

Using scoped slot scope methods

Refer to the Custom rendering with slots section on using the various methods passed to scoped slots for closing modals.

Emitting events on $root

You can emit bv::show::modal, bv::hide::modal, and bv::toggle::modal events on $root with the first argument set to the modal's id. An optional second argument can specify the element to return focus to once the modal is closed. The second argument can be a CSS selector, an element reference, or a component reference (the root element of the component will be focused).

  <b-button @click="showModal" ref="btnShow">Open Modal</b-button>
  <b-button @click="toggleModal" ref="btnToggle">Toggle Modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-1">
    <div class="d-block">Hello From My Modal!</div>
    <b-button @click="hideModal">Close Me</b-button>
    <b-button @click="toggleModal">Toggle Me</b-button>
export default {
  methods: {
    showModal() {
      this.$root.$emit('bv::show::modal', 'modal-1', '#btnShow')
    hideModal() {
      this.$root.$emit('bv::hide::modal', 'modal-1', '#btnShow')
    toggleModal() {
      this.$root.$emit('bv::toggle::modal', 'modal-1', '#btnToggle')

Note: It is recommended to use the this.$ and this.$bvModal.hide() methods (mentioned in a previous section) instead of emitting $root events.

Prevent closing

To prevent <b-modal> from closing (for example when validation fails). you can call the .preventDefault() method of the event object passed to your ok (OK button), cancel (Cancel button), close (modal header close button) and hide event handlers. Note that .preventDefault(), when used, must be called synchronously, as async is not supported.

Submitted Names:
    <b-button v-b-modal.modal-prevent-closing>Open Modal</b-button>

    <div class="mt-3">
      Submitted Names:
      <div v-if="submittedNames.length === 0">--</div>
      <ul v-else class="mb-0 pl-3">
        <li v-for="name in submittedNames">{{ name }}</li>

      title="Submit Your Name"
      <form ref="form" @submit.stop.prevent="handleSubmit">
          invalid-feedback="Name is required"

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        name: '',
        nameState: null,
        submittedNames: []
    methods: {
      checkFormValidity() {
        const valid = this.$refs.form.checkValidity()
        this.nameState = valid
        return valid
      resetModal() { = ''
        this.nameState = null
      handleOk(bvModalEvt) {
        // Prevent modal from closing
        // Trigger submit handler
      handleSubmit() {
        // Exit when the form isn't valid
        if (!this.checkFormValidity()) {
        // Push the name to submitted names
        // Hide the modal manually
        this.$nextTick(() => {

Note: events ok, cancel, and close are emitted by modal's built in OK, Cancel, and header close (X) buttons respectively. These events will not be emitted, by default, if you have provided your own buttons in the modal-footer slot or have hidden the footer. In this case use the hide event to control cancelling of the modal close. Event hide is always emitted, even if ok, cancel, and close are emitted.

The ok, cancel, close and hide event object (BvModalEvent) contains several properties and methods:

Property or Method Type Description
preventDefault() Method When called prevents the modal from closing
trigger Property Will be one of: ok (Default OK Clicked), cancel (Default Cancel clicked), esc (if the Esc key was pressed), backdrop (if the backdrop was clicked), headerclose (if the header X button was clicked), the first argument provided to the hide() method, or null otherwise.
target Property A reference to the modal element
vueTarget property A reference to the modal's Vue VM instance
componentId property The modal's ID

You can set the value of trigger by passing an argument to the component's hide() method for advanced control (i.e. detecting what button or action triggered the modal to hide).

Note: ok, cancel, or close events will be only emitted when the argument to hide() is strictly 'ok', 'cancel', or 'headerclose' respectively. The argument passed to hide() will be placed into the trigger property of the event object.

Using the grid

Utilize the Bootstrap grid system within a modal by nesting <b-container fluid> within the modal-body. Then, use the normal grid system <b-row> (or <b-form-row>) and <b-col> as you would anywhere else.

Tooltips and popovers

Tooltips and popovers can be placed within modals as needed. When modals are closed, any tooltips and popovers within are also automatically dismissed. Tooltips and popovers are automatically appended to the modal element (to ensure correct z-indexing), although you can override where they are appended by specifying a container ID (refer to tooltip and popover docs for details).

  <b-button v-b-modal.modalPopover>Show Modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modalPopover" title="Modal with Popover" ok-only>
      <b-button v-b-popover="'Popover inside a modal!'" title="Popover">Button</b-button>
      triggers a popover on click.
      This <a href="#" v-b-tooltip title="Tooltip in a modal!">Link</a> will show a tooltip on

Lazy loading and static modals

By default, modals will not render their content in the document until they are shown (lazily rendered). Modals that, when visible, are rendered appended to the <body> element. The <b-modal> component will not affect layout, as they render as a placeholder comment node (<!---->) in the DOM position they are placed. Due to the portalling process, it can take two or more $nextTicks to render changes of the content into the target.

Modals can be rendered in-place in the document (i.e. where the <b-modal> component is placed in the document) by setting the static prop to true. Note that the content of the modal will be rendered in the DOM even if the modal is not visible/shown when static is true. To make static modals lazy rendered, also set the lazy prop to true. The modal will then appear in the document only when it is visible. Note, when in static mode, placement of the <b-modal> component may affect layout of your document and the modal.

The lazy prop will have no effect if the prop static is not true (non-static modals will always be lazily rendered).

Styling, options, and customization

Modals have three optional sizes, available via the prop size. These sizes kick in at certain breakpoints to avoid horizontal scrollbars on narrower viewports. Valid optional sizes are sm, lg, and xl.

  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-xl variant="primary">xl modal</b-button>
  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-lg variant="primary">lg modal</b-button>
  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-sm variant="primary">sm modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-xl" size="xl" title="Extra Large Modal">Hello Extra Large Modal!</b-modal>
  <b-modal id="modal-lg" size="lg" title="Large Modal">Hello Large Modal!</b-modal>
  <b-modal id="modal-sm" size="sm" title="Small Modal">Hello Small Modal!</b-modal>

The size prop maps the size to the .modal-<size> classes.

Scrolling long content

When modals become too long for the user's viewport or device, they scroll independent of the page itself. Try the demo below to see what we mean.

  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-tall>Launch overflowing modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-tall" title="Overflowing Content">
    <p class="my-4" v-for="i in 20" :key="i">
      Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis
      in, egestas eget quam. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.

You can also create a scrollable modal that allows the scrolling of the modal body by setting the prop scrollable to true.

  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-scrollable>Launch scrolling modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-scrollable" scrollable title="Scrollable Content">
    <p class="my-4" v-for="i in 20" :key="i">
      Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis
      in, egestas eget quam. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.

Vertically centered modal

Vertically center your modal in the viewport by setting the centered prop.

  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-center>Launch centered modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-center" centered title="BootstrapVue">
    <p class="my-4">Vertically centered modal!</p>

Feel free to mix vertically centered with scrollable.


Control the header, footer, and body background and text variants by setting the header-bg-variant, header-text-variant, body-bg-variant, body-text-variant, footer-bg-variant, and footer-text-variant props. Use any of the standard Bootstrap variants such as danger, warning, info, success, dark, light, etc.

The variants for the bottom border of the header and top border of the footer can be controlled by the header-border-variant and footer-border-variant props respectively.

    <b-button @click="show=true" variant="primary">Show Modal</b-button>

      title="Modal Variants"
      <b-container fluid>
        <b-row class="mb-1 text-center">
          <b-col cols="3"></b-col>

        <b-row class="mb-1">
          <b-col cols="3">Header</b-col>

        <b-row class="mb-1">
          <b-col cols="3">Body</b-col>

          <b-col cols="3">Footer</b-col>

      <template v-slot:modal-footer>
        <div class="w-100">
          <p class="float-left">Modal Footer Content</p>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        show: false,
        variants: ['primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'info', 'light', 'dark'],
        headerBgVariant: 'dark',
        headerTextVariant: 'light',
        bodyBgVariant: 'light',
        bodyTextVariant: 'dark',
        footerBgVariant: 'warning',
        footerTextVariant: 'dark'

You can also apply arbitrary classes to the modal dialog container, content (modal window itself), header, body and footer via the modal-class, content-class, header-class, body-class and footer-class props, respectively. The props accept either a string or array of strings.

Hiding the backdrop

Hide the modal's backdrop via setting the hide-backdrop prop.

  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-no-backdrop>Open modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-no-backdrop" hide-backdrop content-class="shadow" title="BootstrapVue">
    <p class="my-2">
      We've added the utility class <code>'shadow'</code>
      to the modal content for added effect.

Note that clicking outside of the modal will still close the modal even though the backdrop is hidden. You can disable this behaviour by setting the no-close-on-backdrop prop on <b-modal>.

Disable open and close animation

To disable the fading transition/animation when modal opens and closes, just set the prop no-fade on the <b-modal> component.

Fancy smaller or larger buttons in the default footer? Simply set the button-size prop to 'sm' for small buttons, or 'lg' for larger buttons.

  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-footer-sm>Small Footer Buttons</b-button>
  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-footer-lg>Large Footer Buttons</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-footer-sm" title="BootstrapVue" button-size="sm">
    <p class="my-2">This modal has small footer buttons</p>

  <b-modal id="modal-footer-lg" title="BootstrapVue" button-size="lg">
    <p class="my-2">This modal has large footer buttons</p>

The prop button-size has no effect if you have provided your own footer via the modal-footer slot.

You can disable the built-in footer buttons programmatically.

You can disable the Cancel and OK buttons individually by setting the cancel-disabled and ok-disabled props, respectively, to true. Set the prop to false to re-enable the button.

To disable both Cancel and OK buttons at the same time, simply set the busy prop to true. Set it to false to re-enable both buttons.

Custom rendering with slots

<b-modal> provides several named slots (of which some are optionally scoped) that you can use to customize the content of various sections of the modal.

Slot Optionally Scoped Description
default Yes Main content of the modal
modal-title Yes Content to place in the modal's title
modal-header Yes Content to place in the header. Replaces the entire header including the close button
modal-footer Yes Content to place in the footer. Replaces the entire footer including the button(s)
modal-ok No Content to place inside the footer OK button
modal-cancel No Content to place inside the footer CANCEL button
modal-header-close No Content to place inside the header CLOSE (x) button

The scope available to the slots that support optional scoping are:

Method or Property Description
ok() Closes the modal and fires the ok and hide events, with bvModalEvent.trigger = 'ok'
cancel() Closes the modal and fires the cancel and hide events, with bvModalEvent.trigger = 'cancel'
close() Closes the modal and fires the close and hide events, with bvModalEvent.trigger = 'headerclose'
hide(trigger) Closes the modal and fires the hide event, with the bvModalEvent.trigger = trigger (trigger is optional)
visible The visibility state of the modal. true if the modal is visible and false if not visible

Example modal using custom scoped slots

  <b-button @click="$'modal-scoped')">Open Modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-scoped">
    <template v-slot:modal-header="{ close }">
      <!-- Emulate built in modal header close button action -->
      <b-button size="sm" variant="outline-danger" @click="close()">
        Close Modal
      <h5>Modal Header</h5>

    <template v-slot:default="{ hide }">
      <p>Modal Body with button</p>
      <b-button @click="hide()">Hide Modal</b-button>

    <template v-slot:modal-footer="{ ok, cancel, hide }">
      <b>Custom Footer</b>
      <!-- Emulate built in modal footer ok and cancel button actions -->
      <b-button size="sm" variant="success" @click="ok()">
      <b-button size="sm" variant="danger" @click="cancel()">
      <!-- Button with custom close trigger value -->
      <b-button size="sm" variant="outline-secondary" @click="hide('forget')">
        Forget it

Multiple modal support

Unlike native Bootstrap v4, BootstrapVue supports multiple modals opened at the same time.

To disable stacking for a specific modal, just set the prop no-stacking on the <b-modal> component. This will hide the modal before another modal is shown.

  <b-button v-b-modal.modal-multi-1>Open First Modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-multi-1" size="lg" title="First Modal" ok-only no-stacking>
    <p class="my-2">First Modal</p>
    <b-button v-b-modal.modal-multi-2>Open Second Modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-multi-2" title="Second Modal" ok-only>
    <p class="my-2">Second Modal</p>
    <b-button v-b-modal.modal-multi-3 size="sm">Open Third Modal</b-button>

  <b-modal id="modal-multi-3" size="sm" title="Third Modal" ok-only>
    <p class="my-1">Third Modal</p>


  • Avoid nesting a <b-modal> inside another <b-modal>, as it may get "constrained" to the boundaries of the parent modal dialog (specifically when static modals are used).
  • The opaque backdrop will appear progressively darker for each modal that is opened. This is expected behaviour as each backdrop is opened over top the other modals and backdrops.

BootstrapVue provides a few built in Message Box methods on the exposed this.$bvModal object. These methods provide a way to generate simple OK and Confirm style modal messages, from anywhere in your app without having to explicitly place a <b-modal> component in your pages.

Method Description
this.$bvModal.msgBoxOk(message, options) Open a modal with message as the content and a single OK button
this.$bvModal.msgBoxConfirm(message, options) Open a modal with message as the content and CANCEL and OK buttons

The options argument is an optional configuration object for adding titles and styling the Message Box modal. The object properties correspond to <b-modal> props, except in camelCase format instead of kebab-case.

Both methods return a Promise (requires a polyfill for IE 11 and older browser support) which resolve into a value when the modal hides. .msgBoxOk() always resolves to the value true, while .msgBoxConfirm() resolves to either true (OK button pressed), false (CANCEL button pressed), or null (if the modal was closed via backdrop click, Esc press, or some other means.

If message is not provided, both methods will return immediately with the value undefined.

You can use either the .then(..).catch(...) or async await code styles (async await requires modern browsers or a transpiler).

OK message box

Example OK Message boxes

Return value:
Return value:
    <div class="mb-2">
     <b-button @click="showMsgBoxOne">Simple msgBoxOk</b-button>
     Return value: {{ String(boxOne) }}
    <div class="mb-1">
     <b-button @click="showMsgBoxTwo">msgBoxOk with options</b-button>
     Return value: {{ String(boxTwo) }}

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        boxOne: '',
        boxTwo: ''
    methods: {
      showMsgBoxOne() {
        this.boxOne = ''
        this.$bvModal.msgBoxOk('Action completed')
          .then(value => {
            this.boxOne = value
          .catch(err => {
            // An error occurred
      showMsgBoxTwo() {
        this.boxTwo = ''
        this.$bvModal.msgBoxOk('Data was submitted successfully', {
          title: 'Confirmation',
          size: 'sm',
          buttonSize: 'sm',
          okVariant: 'success',
          headerClass: 'p-2 border-bottom-0',
          footerClass: 'p-2 border-top-0',
          centered: true
          .then(value => {
            this.boxTwo = value
          .catch(err => {
            // An error occurred

Confirm message box

Example Confirm Message boxes

Return value:
Return value:
    <div class="mb-2">
     <b-button @click="showMsgBoxOne">Simple msgBoxConfirm</b-button>
     Return value: {{ String(boxOne) }}
    <div class="mb-1">
     <b-button @click="showMsgBoxTwo">msgBoxConfirm with options</b-button>
     Return value: {{ String(boxTwo) }}

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        boxOne: '',
        boxTwo: ''
    methods: {
      showMsgBoxOne() {
        this.boxOne = ''
        this.$bvModal.msgBoxConfirm('Are you sure?')
          .then(value => {
            this.boxOne = value
          .catch(err => {
            // An error occurred
      showMsgBoxTwo() {
        this.boxTwo = ''
        this.$bvModal.msgBoxConfirm('Please confirm that you want to delete everything.', {
          title: 'Please Confirm',
          size: 'sm',
          buttonSize: 'sm',
          okVariant: 'danger',
          okTitle: 'YES',
          cancelTitle: 'NO',
          footerClass: 'p-2',
          hideHeaderClose: false,
          centered: true
          .then(value => {
            this.boxTwo = value
          .catch(err => {
            // An error occurred

Message box notes

  • The this.$bvModal injection is only available when using the full BootstrapVue plugin or the ModalPlugin plugin. It is not available if importing just the b-modal component. To just import the injection, use the BVModalPlugin plugin.
  • A new $bvModal injection (mixin) is created for each Vue virtual machine (i.e. each instantiated component), and is not usable via direct access to the Vue.prototype, as it needs access to the instance's this and $root contexts.
  • Message Boxes require Promise support in the browser. If targeting your app for older browsers, such as IE 11, please include a polyfill that provides Promise support. If Promise support is not detected, then the message box methods will immediately return undefined.
  • Message Boxes are an extension of the <b-modal> component, and hence support the majority of <b-modal> props (using camelCase format), with the exception of the following props: lazy, static, busy, visible, noStacking, okOnly, okDisabled, and cancelDisabled.
  • When a title (or titleHtml) is not provided in the options, the header will not be shown.
  • When a title (or titleHtml) is provided in the options, the header close button is not shown by default. You can enable the header close button by setting hideHeaderClose: false in the options.
  • Message Boxes will throw an error (promise rejection) if they are closed/destroyed before they are hidden. Always include a .catch(errHandler) reject handler, event if using the async await style code.
  • When using Vue Router (or similar), Message Boxes will close and reject if the route changes before the modal hides. If you wish for the message box to remain open when the route changes, use this.$root.$bvModal instead of this.$bvModal.
  • Message boxes cannot be generated during Server Side Rendering (SSR).
  • The Message Box message currently does not support HTML strings, however, you can pass an array of VNodes as the message for fine grained control of the markup. You can use Vue's this.$createElement method to generate VNodes. This can also be done for the modal title (by passing VNodes to the title option), OK button text (via the okTitle option), and the CANCEL button text (via the cancelTitle option).

Message box advanced usage

When using the this.$bvModal.msgBoxOk(...) or this.$bvModal.msgBoxConfirm(...) methods for generating modals, you may want the modal content to be more than just a string message. As mentioned in the message box notes section above, you can pass arrays of VNodes as the message and title for more complex content.

Use Vue's this.$createElement method to generate VNodes.

    <b-button @click="showMsgOk">Show OK message box with custom content</b-button>

  export default {
    methods: {
      showMsgOk() {
        const h = this.$createElement
        // Using HTML string
        const titleVNode = h('div', { domProps: { innerHTML: 'Title from <i>HTML<i> string' } })
        // More complex structure
        const messageVNode = h('div', { class: ['foobar'] }, [
          h('p', { class: ['text-center'] }, [
            ' Flashy ',
            h('strong', 'msgBoxOk'),
            ' message ',
          h('p', { class: ['text-center'] }, [h('b-spinner')]),
          h('b-img', {
            props: {
              src: '',
              thumbnail: true,
              center: true,
              fluid: true, rounded: 'circle'
        // We must pass the generated VNodes as arrays
        this.$bvModal.msgBoxOk([messageVNode], {
          title: [titleVNode],
          buttonSize: 'sm',
          centered: true, size: 'sm'

Listening to modal changes via $root events

To listen to any modal opening, use:

export default {
  mounted() {
    this.$root.$on('bv::modal::show', (bvEvent, modalId) => {
      console.log('Modal is about to be shown', bvEvent, modalId)

Refer to the Events section of this documentation for the full list of events emitted.


<b-modal> provides several accessibility features, including auto focus, return focus, keyboard (tab) _focus containment_, and automated aria-* attributes.

Note: The animation effect of this component is dependent on the prefers-reduced-motion media query. See the reduced motion section of our accessibility documentation for additional details.

The aria-labelledby and aria-describedby attributes will appear on the modal automatically in most cases.

  • The aria-labelledby attribute will not be present if you have the header hidden, or supplied your own header, or have not supplied a modal title. It is recommended to supply a title for your modals (when using the built in header). You can visually hide the header title, but still make it available to screen readers by setting the title-sr-only prop. If you do not have a header, you can supply a label for the modal by passing a string to the aria-label prop.
  • The aria-describedby attribute will always point to the modal's body content.
  • If the aria-label prop is specified with a string value, the aria-labelledby attribute will not be rendered, even if you have a title/header for your modal.

The aria-label and title-sr-only props were added in version v2.0.0-rc.27.

Auto focus on open

<b-modal> will autofocus the modal container when opened.

You can pre-focus an element within the <b-modal> by listening to the <b-modal> shown event, and call the element's focus() method. <b-modal> will not attempt to autofocus if an element already has focus within the <b-modal>.

<b-modal @shown="focusMyElement">
    <b-button>I Don't Have Focus</b-button>


    <!-- Element to gain focus when modal is opened -->
    <b-form-input ref="focusThis"></b-form-input>

export default {
  methods: {
    focusMyElement() {

Alternatively, if using b-form-* form controls, you can use the autofocus prop to automatically focus a form control when the modal opens. Note that the autofocus prop will not work with b-modal if the static prop is used without the lazy prop set, as autofocus happens when the b-form-* controls are mounted in the DOM.

If you want to auto focus one of the built-in modal buttons (ok, cancel or the header close button, you can set the prop auto-focus-button to one of the values 'ok', 'cancel' or 'close' and <b-modal> will focus the specified button if it exists. This feature is also available for modal message boxes.

Note: it is not recommended to autofocus an input or control inside of a modal for accessibility reasons, as screen reader users will not know the context of where the input is (the announcement of the modal may not be spoken). It is best to let <b-modal> focus the modal's container, allowing the modal information to be spoken to the user, and then allow the user to tab into the input.

Returning focus to the triggering element

For accessibility reasons, it is desirable to return focus to the element that triggered the opening of the modal, when the modal closes.

<b-modal> will try and automatically determine which element had focus before the modal was opened, and will return the focus to that element when the modal has hidden if possible. However, several methods and options are provided to allow you to specify the element to return focus to once the modal has hidden.

Specify return focus element via the return-focus prop

You can also specify an element to return focus to, when modal closes, by setting the return-focus prop to one of the following:

  • A CSS Query Selector string (or an element ID prepended with #)
  • A component reference (which is mounted on a focusable element, such as <b-button>)
  • A reference to a DOM element that is focusable

If the passed in element is not focusable, then the browser will determine what has focus (usually <body>, which is not desirable)

This method for returning focus is handy when you use the <b-modal> methods show() and hide(), or the v-model prop. Note this property takes precedence over other methods of specifying the return focus element.

Auto return focus

When <b-modal> is opened via the v-b-modal directive on an element, focus will be returned to this element automatically when <b-modal> closes, unless an element has been specified via the return-focus prop.

Specify return focus via event

When using the bv::show::modal event (emitted on $root), you can specify a second argument which is the element to return focus to. This argument accepts the same types as the return-focus prop.

this.$root.$emit('bv::show::modal', 'modal-1', '#focusThisOnClose')

Tip: if using a click event (or similar) to trigger modal to open, pass the event's target property:

  <b-button @click="$root.$emit('bv::show::modal', 'modal-1', $">Open Modal</b-button>

Note: If the <b-modal> has the return-focus prop set, then the element specified via the event will be ignored.

Keyboard navigation

When tabbing through elements within a <b-modal>, if focus attempts to leave the modal into the document, it will be brought back into the modal.

Avoid setting tabindex on elements within the modal to any value other than 0 or -1. Doing so will make it difficult for people who rely on assistive technology to navigate and operate page content and can make some of your elements unreachable via keyboard navigation.

If some elements outside the modal need to be focusable (i.e. for TinyMCE), you can add them as CSS selectors to the ignore-enforce-focus-selector prop 2.4.0+, e.g.:

  title="Modal with TinyMCE Editor"
  ignore-enforce-focus-selector=".tox-tinymce-aux, .moxman-window, .tam-assetmanager-root"
  <!-- Modal content with TinyMCE editor here -->

In some circumstances, you may need to disable the enforce focus feature completely. You can do this by setting the prop no-enforce-focus, although this is highly discouraged for accessibility reasons.

v-b-modal directive accessibility

Notes on v-b-modal directive accessibility:

  • If the element is anything other than a <button> (or component that renders a <button>), the ARIA role will be set to button, and a keydown event listeners for Enter and Space will be added, along with a click listener.
  • If the element is anything other than a <button> or <a> (or a component that renders either), then a tabindex of 0 will be added to the element to ensure accessibility, unless there is already a tabindex set.

Component reference



Property (Click to sort Ascending)TypeDefaultDescription
StringUsed to set the 'id' attribute on the rendered content, and used as the base to generate any additional element IDs as needed
String'md'Set the size of the modal's width. 'sm', 'md' (default), 'lg', or 'xl'
BooleanfalseVertically centers the modal in the viewport
BooleanfalseEnables scrolling of the modal body
StringSize of the built in footer buttons: 'sm', 'md' (default), or 'lg'
BooleanfalsePrevents other modals from stacking over this one
BooleanfalseWhen set to 'true', disables the fade animation/transition on the component
BooleanfalseDisables the ability to close the modal by clicking the backdrop
BooleanfalseDisables the ability to close the modal by pressing ESC
BooleanfalseDisables the enforce focus routine which maintains focus inside the modal
Array or String''Ignore certain elements from the enforce focus routine, specified by css selector(s)
String''Text content to place in the title
Use with caution
StringHTML string content to place in the title. Use with caution
String'h5'Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag for the title
String or Array or ObjectCSS class (or classes) to apply to the title
BooleanfalseWraps the title in an '.sr-only' wrapper
StringExplicitly supply an 'aria-label' attribute for the modal. Should be set when the modal has no title. When not set 'aria-labelledby' will point to the modal's title
StringApplies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the header background
StringApplies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the header border
StringApplies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the header text
StringText theme color variant to apply to the header close button
String or Array or ObjectCSS class (or classes) to apply to the '.modal-header' wrapper element
StringApplies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the body background
StringApplies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the body text
String or Array or ObjectCSS class (or classes) to apply to the '.modal' wrapper element
String or Array or ObjectCSS class (or classes) to apply to the '.modal-dialog' wrapper element
String or Array or ObjectCSS class (or classes) to apply to the '.modal-content' wrapper element
String or Array or ObjectCSS class (or classes) to apply to the '.modal-body' wrapper element
BooleanfalseDisables rendering of the modal header
BooleanfalseDisables rendering of the modal header's close button
BooleanfalseDisables rendering of the modal backdrop
BooleanfalseDisables rendering of the default footer Cancel button
BooleanfalsePlaces the default footer OK button in the disabled state
BooleanfalsePlaces the default footer Cancel button in the disabled state
BooleanfalseThe current visibility state of the modal
HTMLElement or String or ObjectnullHTML Element reference, CSS selector, or component reference to return focus to when the modal closes. When not set, will return focus to the element that last had focus before the modal opened
Settings v2.3.0+
String'&times;'Content of the header close button
String'Close'Value of the 'aria-label' on the header close button
String'Cancel'Text string to place in the default footer Cancel button
Use with caution
StringHTML string to place in the default footer Cancel button. Use with caution
String'OK'Text string to place in the default footer OK button
Use with caution
StringHTML string to place in the default footer OK button. Use with caution
String'secondary'Button color theme variant to apply to the default footer Cancel button
String'primary'Button color theme variant to apply to the default footer OK button
BooleanfalseWhen the modal has the `static` prop set, renders the modal content lazily
BooleanfalsePlaces the built in default footer OK and Cancel buttons in the disabled state
BooleanfalseRenders the content of the component in-place in the DOM, rather than portalling it to be appended to the body element
StringnullSpecify which built-in button to focus once the modal opens: 'ok', 'cancel', or 'close'

Caution: Props that support HTML strings (*-html) can be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks when passed raw user supplied values. You must properly sanitize the user input first!




Slot NameScopedDescription
modal-header Entire modal header container contents. Also removes the top right X close button. Optionally scoped
modal-title Modal title. If `modal-header` slot is used, this slot will not be shown. Optionally scoped
modal-header-close NoContent of Modal header close button. If `modal-header` slot is used, this slot will not be shown
modal-ok NoModal OK button content
modal-cancel NoModal CANCEL button content
modal-backdrop NoModal Backdrop content
default Content of modal body. Optionally scoped


  1. isVisible - The visibility state of the modal. `true` if the modal is visible and `false` if not visible
New modal visibility state. Used to update the v-model
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object. Call `bvModalEvt.preventDefault()` to cancel show
Always emits just before modal is shown. Cancelable
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object
Always emits when modal is shown
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object. Inspect `bvModalEvt.trigger` to find out what action triggered the hide. Call `bvModalEvt.preventDefault()` to cancel hide
Always emits just before modal has hidden. Cancelable (as long as modal wasn't forcibly hidden)
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object
Always emits after modal is hidden
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object. Call `bvModalEvt.preventDefault()` to cancel hide
When default OK button pressed, just before modal has hidden. Cancelable
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object. Call `bvModalEvt.preventDefault()` to cancel hide
When default CANCEL button pressed, just before modal has hidden. Cancelable
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object. Call `bvModalEvt.preventDefault()` to cancel hide
When default header close button pressed, just before modal has hidden. Cancelable
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object. Call `bvModalEvt.preventDefault()` to cancel show
  2. modalId - Modal ID
Emitted on `$root` when modal is about to be shown. Cancelable
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object
  2. modalId - Modal ID
Emitted on `$root` when modal is shown
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object. Call `bvModalEvt.preventDefault()` to cancel hide
  2. modalId - Modal ID
Emitted on `$root` when modal is about to be hidden. Cancelable (as long as modal wasn't forcibly hidden)
  1. bvModalEvt - BvModalEvent object
  2. modalId - modal ID
Emitted on `$root` when modal is hidden

$root event listeners

You can control <b-modal> by emitting the following events on $root:


modalId - Modal ID to show

elIDtoFocusOnClose - Specify the element reference, or CSS selector, to return focus to once the modal is closed (optional)

Show modal with specified ID when this event is emitted on `$root`

modalId - ID of modal to hide

Hide modal with specified ID when this event is emitted on `root`

modalId - ID of modal to toggle visibility

elIDtoFocusOnClose - Specify the element reference, or CSS selector, to return focus to once the modal is closed (optional)

Toggle a modal's visibility given its ID

Importing individual components

You can import individual components into your project via the following named exports:

ComponentNamed ExportImport Path


import { BModal } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Vue.component('b-modal', BModal)

Importing individual directives

You can import individual directives into your project via the following named exports:

DirectiveNamed ExportImport Path


import { VBModal } from 'bootstrap-vue'
// Note: Vue automatically prefixes the directive name with 'v-'
Vue.directive('b-modal', VBModal)

Importing as a Vue.js plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components and directives. Plugins also include any component aliases.

Named ExportImport Path

This plugin also automatically includes the following plugins:

  • BVModalPlugin


import { ModalPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'